Göttinnen oder: Die Arbeit am Wetter von morgen

George Bele (Leipzig) / Artists in Residence
Starting from a fundamental need for social conversation and the perhaps imminent end of humanity, the Leipzig artist duo George Bele is out for worthwhile attempts at togetherness in "Göttinnen oder: Die Arbeit am Wetter von morgen" (AT). Essential to them is a mixture of analytical view and silliness. They show an evening that tells about plan and failure, about the postulate of a better world, full of tests of courage for the present and near future, and oscillate between private-seeming perspectives and the sweeping top view.
At the center are two goddesses charged with a grand design: the constructive re-creation of the world. They have their eyes on the supposedly mundane, on well-rehearsed processes, on perverse structures, and they work to put an end to those actions that are hostile and destructive, that aim solely to prevent constructive processes and decisions, to sabotage solidary exchange, to create powerlessness and catastrophes.
They make use of the weather report, the lament, combine the methods of oral history and fiction to let contemporary witnesses of a future speak. They prepare a great revue for the good possibilities, the attempts forward and praise, curse and practice being together on this planet.
Under the name George Bele, the actress Charlotte Puder and the author Heike Geißler produce joint art projects, most recently the play "Wahlkampf".
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Premiere on 15.12.2023


https://www.schauspiel-leipzig.de Schauspiel Leipzig Bosestraße 1, 04109 Leipzig
Thu, 26.09. 20:00
https://www.schauspiel-leipzig.de Schauspiel Leipzig Bosestraße 1, 04109 Leipzig
Fri, 27.09. 20:00


Concept, text, performance: Heike Geißler, Charlotte Puder
Graphics, stage: Simone Waßermann
Stage: George Bele, Jule Fahrenkrog-Petersen, Simone Waßermann
Music and sound: Cornelia Friederike Müller (aka CFM)
Lightdesign: Dominik Kaiser, Isaak Künzel
Stage Manager: Jule Fahrenkrog-Petersen

A co-production by George Bele and Residenz Schauspiel Leipzig