Eine urbane Langzeitbespielung
In the spring of 2022, Schauspiel Leipzig’s project PAY ATTENTION! first began to trace the city’s transformation with regards to the past, the present and the future. We set out to take a new look at the city through the lens of history, to tell the story of its countless reincarnations and to pursue the question of how urban life changes.

We played at unusual locations throughout the city, such as the former Stasi-Sauna at Matthäikirchhof (“Letzter Aufguss”), a tram line of the municipal transport services LVB (“Linie 2072”) or the city’s centre in the form of an audio walk (“Ein seismographischer Stadtspaziergang”). This season, we will continue the long-term urban theatre project PAY ATTENTION! with new projects and explorations in the midst of history.
Der Fall Woyzeck (The Woyzeck Case)
From April 2024

Georg Büchner’s drama brought the Woyzeck case into the canon of world literature: In 1824, Johann Christian Woyzeck was publicly executed in Leipzig’s market square for murdering his mistress, the widow Woost. However, the discussions and the circumstances accompanying this specific case contributed to the fact that this never happened again in Leipzig.
In co-operation with Schauspiel Leipzig, a walking tour by Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig (Museum of City History Leipzig) will follow tracks and stages of the historical Woyzeck that can still be found in the city. The walking tour will address the discussions surrounding the case at the time as well as contemporary issues, and will explore how Büchner changed the actual story.

In close proximity to performance dates dates of Woyzeck, this option is aimed at school classes; at selected dates all other interested visitors are welcome as well. Duration: approx.: 90 minutes; meeting point: Altes Rathaus.

(Limited capacity; advance booking via Stadtgeschichtliches Museum is necessary.)

Tour for all interested visitors
28.04.24, 11:00 / 05.05.24, 14:00
29.09.25, 11:00 / 06.10.25, 11:00

Ticket price 5,—

Walking tour for school groups
15.05.24 / 29.05.24 / 11.06.24, 13:00 / 14:00
16.05.24 / 30.05.24 / 12.06.24, 10:00 / 11:00
01.10.25 / 24.10.25 / 20.12.25 / 09.01.25 / 19.03.25, 10:00 / 13:00 / 16:30
07.03.25, 10:00 / 13:00

Please enquire for more dates.
Ticket price for school groups 1.– per person
Private groups 60.–

Enquiries & ticket booking
Only directly via Stadtgeschichtliches Museum
Contact: 0341 / 9651316 and

A co-operation project within the framework of PAY ATTENTION!

Daten sind auch nur Menschen
From May 2024

PAY ATTENTION! moves into the digital sphere. Under the key phrase of “Smart City”, Leipzig aims to become safer, more liveable, simple and connected with the help of digital infrastructure. We will examine this development: How digital is the current and apparently analogue surface? How do data streams influence our movement through the public sphere and the economy of (inner) cities? What kinds of social exclusion is reinforced or newly created? Which opportunities are provided by digital urban life?

We will investigate these questions during a digital walk through the city.

Der Coffe ist fertig
In autumn 2024

In co-operation with Stadtgeschichtliches Museum, PAY ATTENTION! 2024 will visit the building of the coffee house Zum Arabischen Coffe Baum in Kleine Fleischergasse. Once the current renovation work is completed, and even before the museum moves into the upper floors, we will be able to conduct a theatrical exploration of the rooms of Coffe Baum.

Having been opened in 1791, it is one of the oldest coffee houses in Europe and a central venue of the city’s intellectual and cultural life. We will look for the traces of the building’s stories and history.

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Autumn 2024
Urban space

Co-operation partners for PAY ATTENTION! 2024:
Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig
Stadtarchiv Leipzig
Federal Archive — Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv Leipzig