Bilder deiner großen Liebe
Pictures of Your Great Love

after Wolfgang Herrndorf
FARN. collective in coproduction with Theater Neumarkt Zürich
Whether Isa, the main character in Wolfgang Herrndorf‘s Bilder deiner großen Liebe (Pictures of Your Great Love), tells the truth, whether her stories about her journey through a sometimes enchanted, sometimes simply desolate country, about the people she meets are true, remains a mystery. What is meant is the great mystery of life, the question of what it consists of, life. Free from fear, Isa is on her way, for no one else but she herself could protect her. Maybe she is an outsider, maybe (metaphysically) homeless, but what is certainty, security, what is normality. And why would it be desirable if you can‘t hold on to anything and you have everything you need to live anyway: your own mind. – Tom Schneider staged this literary road movie as a concert, play and story. With Sandra Hüller as Isa.
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Press comments

A brilliant monologue oscillating between baroque recitative and rock concert. A spectacle of the highest quality. (...) With stupendous lightness Sandra Hüller amalgamates Isas desperate loneliness to this perfect performance. She tigers, tramples and dances across the stage, she sings, purrs and screams, and whatever she does on stage seems right, compelling, not to think otherwise. This is hypnosis and magic in one, simply moving and quite incidentally like a great bow to Wolfgang Herrndorf.
Just insanely good. An exceptional actress brings a novel to the stage as a concert. A sensation.


ca. 1:30


Moritz Bossmann, Sandra Hüller, Sandro Tajouri


Director: Tom Schneider
Stage design, costume design: Michael Graessner
Music: Moritz Bossmann, Sandro Tajouri, Sandra Hüller
Dramaturgy: Inga Schonlau
Light: Sascha Zauner
Sound: Christian Döpping


A production of Theater Neumarkt Zürich in coproduction with FARN with support by Landesverband Freier Theater Baden-Württemberg e.V.