Bernd-Michael Baier

Bernd-Michael Baier was born in Burg near Magdeburg and trained at the Theatre Academy “Hans Otto” in Leipzig. This was followed by engagements in Altenburg, Cottbus, Chemnitz, Baden-Baden, Magdeburg and Chemnitz once more, under the artistic direction of Enrico Lübbe.
Bernd-Michael Baier was a member of Schauspiel Leipzig’s acting company from 2013 to 2015 and he continues to work for the theatre as a guest actor.

He has worked with directors like Hasko Weber, Sascha Hawemann, Armin Petras, Herbert Olschok, Hartwig Albiro and Peter Konwitschny and played roles including Shylock in Willliam Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice“ (Director: Axel Richter), Nathan in Lessing’s “Nathan der Weise (Nathan the Wise)“ (Director: Peter Lüdi), Odoardo Galotti in Lessing’s “Emilia Galotti“ (Director: Andreas Kriegenburg), Kreon in “Antigone“ by Sophocles (Director: Enrico Lübbe), Krause in Gerhart Hauptmann’s “Vor Sonnenaufgang (Before Sunrise)“ (Director: Jan Jochymski), Eduard in a stage adaptation of Goethe’s “Wahlverwandtschaften (Elective Affinities)” (Director: Karl-Georg Brenner). In 45 performances at Schauspiel Chemnitz, he and Tilo Krügel played Abby and Martha Brewster in “Arsen und Spitzenhäubchen (Arsenic and Old Lace)” (Director: Kay Neumann), as the  King in “Yvonne, die Burgunderprinzessin (Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy)” (Director: Mateja Koležnik) or as Shakespeare’s “Lear”, directed by Enrico Lübbe.

Between 1989 and 2013, Bernd-Michael Baier regularly led scene and monologue studies with students of Rostock University of Music and Drama and ’s Acting Academy and Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy”. He has also taught as a freelance teacher in Baden-Baden, Karlsruhe and Freiburg.

At Schauspiel Leipzig, Bernd-Michael Baier’s roles included Kreon in another production of “Antigone”, Tiger Brown in the “Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera)” in cooperation with Leipzig’s Gewandhausorchester, conducted by Anthony Bramall, or the Father in Grillparzer’s “Des Meeres und der Liebe Wellen“, directed by Mateja Koležnik. At the Residenz-venue, he developed the production “Life of N in a Nutshell“ together with the collective machina eX. 

Bernd-Michael Baier is a member of the “Kitsch und Krempel”-team and from May 2020, he will play the title role in “Vater (Father)”, directed by Tilo Krügel.